Enhanced Audio Version: Link.
Comments: "Recorded live and the Irvine Improv on 8/16/2013.."
Runtime: 1:55:37
Recorded Fri. 16th August, 2013
Released Mon, 19th August, 2013
0:00 Kyle Hebert intro.
0:50 Ralph enjoys the love.
1:29 Kevin annoyed with The Daily Mail. Kevin hates the photo that was taken.
6:30 Quote: "You look like Lee Harvey Oswald when he got shot by Jack Ruby ..." "World's Smallest Joke." "If I was walking with a fuckin' horse ..."
8:50 Kevin asks for a gastric bypass for Christmas.
9:20 What Strain Is Kevin On?: OG Kush
10:25 Kevin filming Season 3 of Comic Book Men.
11:04 Shout-outs: Kevin mentions The Magic Garden. "Vietnam War Memorial."
14:00 Casey, Kendra and Sarah celebrate a night out, sans husbands. "This reads like a Penthouse letter ..." "If only he had a larger dog." Ralph's Sexiest of Sexy Voices. "Pint of Chunky Monkey." "Bette Davis Eyes." "Don't move and you won't get hurt." Kevin plays Bette Davis Eyes by Kim Carnes.
19:10 Laurie Abersan (?)'s husband Brad fails job interview, and celebrate previous divorces. Sad Hulk Music, and Casey Kasem life advice.
21:00 Melissa and Tim Allen celebrate their second anniversary. The German's on How To Keep Your Marriage Going Strong. "Hand-jobs und ze pinky in ze butt-hole."
23:30 Jason Ortiz sat right in front of Kevin and Ralph. Girlfriend Erin's birthday. "Fuckin' Larry King." Sean Connery birthday wishes. A cornucopia of Bond-puns. "Fucking racquetball injury!" "What a homo!" "I'd like to jizz in your eyes!"
27:20 John and Heather are their own biggest fans. Bane wishes Heather a happy birthday.
29:20 Michael, Chuck and Seth write in. "WE DIDN'T THINK YOU'D CALL US!!!" "My name is Michael." David Bowie educates Seth on contraception. Kevin danced on Ralph.
32:15 Email bag: Future Jim Staley from Long Island, NY, references upcoming movies and creates WWE Ralph and Kevin. "Where's my little dog?"
34:45 Derek Horsefield asks for Bill Cosby to wish his brother Shane a happy birthday. "It's the neck ..."
36:05 Mike Keeler from Des Moines, Iowa ends in Spider-Man. "Web-shooter." "That kid is really cute ..."
Editors note: Really, that joke should be filed ... holy shit. Hahaha
37:45 Donnie Diaz from Winnipeg, Manitoba "took the tunnel instead of the bridge." Harrison Ford sings Mahna Mahna.
39:15 Melinda Green sends in her daughter singing.
40:28 Babble Story Time: "Oh, The Places You'll Go," by Sylvester Stallone. "Y'GreedyNLazy!"
42:00 Tinseltown Stiffs: Eydie Gourmé. Clip.
44:10 Tinseltown Stiff: Allen Lanier. "Retired again, this week."
45:25 Tinseltown Stiff: Lisa Robin Kelly. "Pick on a husband your own age." Underwear.
47:15 Tinseltown Stiff:Henry Polic II. Scarecrow.
47:45 Robin Hood: Men In Tights defended to the hilt. Videos overlapping.
50:00 Hollywood Helper: Kevin talks Tusk, and the Hollywood Helpers theme is used as the ring-tone, and references Robert "Ratface" Holzman. "You have alzhiemers." Kevin plans his future via PodCasts.
54:10 SModCo ads. huluplus.com/babble DAVEschool.com
1:00:45 Hollywood Helper: Justin Bieber grants his 200th wish for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. "He's still a cunt!" He's a dick. Panhandler. "He's been visited by 3 ghosts in the night!" "I don't like black people ..."
1:05:20 Shit That Should Not Be: Jeremy sends in the aggresive hand-job in Killer Elite.
1:08:15 Exquisite Acting: Chad sends in Bill Nighy in Underworld 3. "To be with an aaan-i-mal!" Muppet song remix.
1:10:25 Kev-In: The Beaver, Kindergarten Cop image unavailable, at the moment, Heff. "Tittyfuckin'." "I'd be tossin' your salad ..." Ralph has a stroke.
1:14:21 HBO Headlines: Duck Dynasty S4 pulls in 11.8m viewers. "Fucking stop it, America!" "Let's watch that video ... hopefully."
1:17:25 Kevin mentions Bryan Johnson's beard.
1:17:40 Burglar leaves The Lonely Doll on the nightstand of Famke Janssen. Spank.
1:20:30 Ralph drunk. Sylvester Stallone adds Mel Gibson and Antonio Banderas to The Expendibles 3.
1:21:45 Justin Bieber's old photos. "Ken doll cock." "Waddled over on her nubs."
1:24:40 Ralph asks for a Tadolph Switler theme. 5 greatest fears announced: Sea urchins, (Angry Ralph's back!), earwigs, cynics, being arrested and googling herself. "I hope she uses that quote, real soon."
1:28:10 Lindsay Lohan working again. Filming Eastbound and Down. Ben Affleck visited her in rehab. "Argo fuck yourself!" "You think he did her?"
1:30:20 Kim Kardashian Vs. Katie Kouric. Armoured vehicle purchased for kid. Kris Jenner is very upset.
"Hardest working woman in the world."
1:36:00 One Direction Vs. The Who. Baba O'Reilly Vs. Best Song Ever. Best Song Ever sucks major dick. Pete Townsend takes the high road.
1:39:00 New HBO theme.
1:39:15 Britain's Got Talent kids. "Harry Potter's aunt!"
1:41:10 Geek News: George Lucas had a baby. Ralph needs to pee. Kevin solo on-stage.
1:43:00 Mark Wahlberg would like to be Tony Stark in the next Iron Man movies, after RDJ. "The Perfect Storm - The Wave Movie."
1:45:00 Marky Mark.
1:46:00 Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark theme! Daniel Curry's leg caught in a machine, back-stage.
1:46:50 Man Of Steel XXX: A Porn Parody now available. "Superman's accountant."
1:48:40 Orlando Bloom to be the next Batman. Christian Bale, too. Bootleg Begins.
1:52:30 Liam Neeson's Cock jokes.