Enhanced Audio Vision: Link.
Comments: "Recorded live at the House of Blues in San Diego, CA on 7/19/2013."
Runtime: 1:34:41
Recorded Fri. 26th July, 2013
Released Mon, 29th July, 2013
0:00 Kyle Hebert intro.
0:45 Babble payback discussed. Kevin modelling new jersey for Comic Book Men Season 3 (FatMan).
1:50 New shirts available at garmystrong.com.
2:25 **first appearance** Tim LeScouseSki sends in a "What Strain Is Kevin on?" theme. (Tonight, FuckerNutter Green).
3:30 Shout-outs: Chance, Kelly, Jennifer, Justin and Wayne celebrate Chance's 40th birthday. "Drivers courtesy." Adam West to deliver the good news. The Happy Birthday song court progress discussed. Happy Birthday in Kev's Creepy Sexy voice.
6:45 Jessica and Ryan from Flagstaff, AZ on a bitchin' vacation! Ralph berates Kevin into manning up against his wife. Charlton Heston pops in
9:00 Rob and Allie from Chicago, welcomed in Ralph's IL accent. The German's welcome them to L.A.
10:40 Howie, Sandy, Nicole and Mike from Chicago in L.A. "Oh Jesus, I think I'm gonna cum, right in your face!" Dr. Henry Jones to educate hi son. (Difficulty level: 7.5!) "Replace it with a sandbag!" "The Penitent man kneels before the pussy!"
13:30 Tricia et al are missing Alec The Douchebag. Huell Hoswer insults Alec.
15:45 Ralph insults a Lex Luther in the audience.
16:00 Brittany and Amy drive 11 hours to see HBO. David Bowie birthday celebrations.
18:55 Email bag: Nick Johnson in Sheffield, UK, updates the HBO Drinking Game. Late jingles, Tinseltown Stiffs new impressions, and Johnny Depp; Hollywood Helper - take a drink.
19:50 Tyler Short sends in this sign. "Churning the butter."
20:30 Natalie from Kansas asks for Kevin's Bane to sing Sweet Transvestite. "Lion face/Lemon face!"
21:40 Kanye "Not Talking" audio played. Jack from Exeter asks for Al Pacino to deliver said audio.
23:20 **first appearance** Babble Story Time By Robert Duenes. Goodnight Moon.
25:45 Tinseltown Stiffs: Mel Smith. The Pit of Despair.
27:25 Tinseltown Stiff: John Casablancas. "She's only 15!" Pic.
29:40 Tinseltown Stiff: Dennis Farina. Midnight Run.
31:45 Shit That Should Not Be: Laetitae sends in Dark Knight Rises.
33:30 Exquisite Acting: Mike O'Donohue sends in Michael Sheen in Twilight. (Annoying laugh.)
36:15 Kev-In: Doug Hoxter's intro video. Batman Returns, The Wolverine. Glen from Ireland sends in Marvin/Kevin Pulp Fiction.
40:18 SModCo ads. DAVEschool.com HULUplus.com/Babble
46:09 HBO Headlines: Amanda Bynes gravy train coming to an end. Ralph relays the timeline. Go nuts. Ralph references Bubba Ho'Tep. "Worst arsonist ever!" Ralph busts out Clerks. "BrbrhhwhahaHockeyllllrrlrbbIce-cream cone!" "Miley Cyrus Syndrome."
54:15 The Great Weed Debate.
55:00 Justin Bieber: Theme replayed. Balcony. "Baby bird it into my mouth!"
57:15 Kim Kardashian: furnishing new mansion. "Mr. Burns Country." "I want my shit to be cradled in luxury." Kanye West declares New Slaves to be the best. Kevin enters into the debate. "Yardwork."
1:02:20 Snooki banned in Pelican Island, NJ. "Look at the Pelicans."
1:05:00 Matt Lauer pissed with the Today Show. Chef Bill introduced. "For $25m , you could blame me for AIDS.
1:06:20 Courtney Stodden is the Voice of Experience.
1:08:20 Magic Mike to be turned into a Broadway musical. Kevin discusses the rights to Clerks.
1:09:54 Shirley Jones releases her autobiography. Ralph indignant.
1:11:30 Bruce Willis promotes RED 2. Kevin recalls working with him.
1:15:45 Movies That Will Suck: New Rocky movie in the works. Rocky Ralph. "Rocky Vs. Batman!"
1:19:10 Beyonce's hair caught in fan! (God this music sucks.)
1:20:45 Miley Cyrus Protect The Skin You're In. "Hannah holds Montana." "Airtight!"
1:22:10 Geek News: Ryan Gosling in Star Wars False! Leonardo DiCaprio to develop a Robotech movie project.
1:23:50 Star Wars reunited. "I'm too fuckin' rich ..."
1:25:20 I Am Legend.
1:26:50 Next Batman: Tyler Hoechlin.Screen-test.
1:28:40 Comic Con Bryan Cranston dressed as Walter White. Creeeeeepy.
1:30:35 Liam Neeson's Cock jokes.